How about having Dessert for Breakfast?

Morning !! Sorry I’m late on it today – these dark mornings mean I don’t get to the beach with the pups as early as I like to. I’m a real early bird – did I ever tell you my day starts at 4.30am? Anyways, while I was waiting for the sun...

It’s all Lies

The diet industry is FULL of lies that are making you store more fat in your worst trouble spots like your hips, bum and love handles. So with so much clutter and confusion floating around… I felt I should pass on some awesome no-nonsense information about 3 common...

Are YOU Sitting Comfortably?

Life’s greatest treasures are waiting outside of your comfort zone. Trust me – I know that’s hard to stomach, I find it hard too. In fact sometimes I take myself so far out of my comfort zone I’m scared s**t less!! BUT.. each time you do...

The #1 Fruit for Fat Loss

Cherries ….. Would YOU have guessed it? See, with cherries, you can’t just pop 30 in your mouth. Instead, the pits make you eat them slowly, allowing your satiation sensors to chime in and prevent you from over-indulging.   So that’s reason #1 –...

Which one of these Journeys are YOU on? Is it what you want?

The ENLIGHTENED Lady aspires to live lighter, breathe lighter, walk lighter, talk lighter, feel lighter, move lighter, dance lighter, be lighter She doesn’t expect life to always be easy… But she also knows it doesn’t have to be so hard. Struggle is...