Would You Let Your Kids Do It?

“Plant a tiny seed in the right spot, and it will grow without coaxing.” Dr. BJ Fogg If you’re like most people , you have at least one bad habit that drives you mad. If you’re a parent it gets worse — you’re harming not just you, but your family too. We all know kids...

One Word : CONTROL

There is nothing worse than not knowing. Uncertainty can niggle away at your brain, and the not knowing is often blown out of proportion… BELIEVE ME- I AM THE QUEEN OF “WHAT IFs” !!!!! Sometimes the unknown is essential, sometimes it’s disastrous…but it’s almost...

Happy Independence Day!

Did you know this is a 3 day celebration Stateside ? Even though we are in a different part of the world, it’s a great time to remember the message of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Freedom…freedom of choice. We often forget we have this amazing...

Hump Day Workout For Ya!

Complete 3 rounds in your best time with proper form. Warm-up and cool down for 5 minutes each. 20 Jumping Jacks 20 Curtsey Lunges 20 Plank Jacks 16 Triceps Push Ups (modify on knees) 20 Skaters 20 Butt Kicks (each side!) Have fun!! Ooooooh – I’d LOVE a...

We Did It!!

Yesterday 30 of #teammilliondollar crawled through muck and cow pats to complete Hard as Oak – Irelands toughest 10k obstacle race. Who would have thought it would be so much fun !! It was AWESOME and for me as a Coach, it was an incredibly proud moment to see...

Scientifically Proven: EFT for Weight Loss

Morning !! Are you “eating under the influence of negative emotions?” Are cravings and overeating a problem for you? Our  relationship with food and our ability to lose weight is complex, to  say the least. Our thoughts and emotions play a huge role and we’re  finally...