There is nothing worse than not knowing.

Uncertainty can niggle away at your brain, and the not knowing is often blown out of proportion…


Sometimes the unknown is essential, sometimes it’s disastrous…but it’s almost always terrifying…

Life becomes a whirlwind of unpredictability

You never know what the next day will bring and you’ve got to admit even the smallest changes can bring  tears and despair or a sudden mood-swing


It all comes down to one word- CONTROL!

Sometimes when the world around seems to be spiralling into uncertainty we can count on the inevitable and the mundane

But you live and you learn, you learn where control is necessary and where control is detrimental:

Example 1: When taming a tiger it is 100% necessary to be the one in control.

Example 2: When the trainee at the supermarket checkout puts all your squishy foods at the bottom of the bag and the heavy stuff on top of it –  control is completely detrimental. SQUASHED VEGGIES & FRUIT IS ALWAYS BETTER  – LIVE LIFE ON THE WILD SIDE!

Control is an issue with many and for me I have to have a certain amount of positive control in order not to fall to pieces

When the tiger in your head is roaring, remember YOU are in control.

When the tigers roars get too loud, remember giving others control in order to help you is not weak, it is showing strength in the most courageous of ways.

Happy Hump day

Dee x

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