A Sort of Gentle Reminder

Have you ever experienced knowing something and then discovering later that you knew it but didn’t do it? For example, you know you should do more exercise, and then not exercise or you knew that toast and marmalade wasn’t going to help you drop 10% of your...

Monday Motivation and a Quickie

Morning !!! How was your weekend? I had theeee most chillaxing family day yesterday and you know what? It reminded me that sometimes we’re so busy taking care of others that we forget to take care of ourselves. Anyway, what are your plans to keep moving forward...

Would You Let Your Kids Do It?

“Plant a tiny seed in the right spot, and it will grow without coaxing.” Dr. BJ Fogg If you’re like most people , you have at least one bad habit that drives you mad. If you’re a parent it gets worse — you’re harming not just you, but your family too. We all know kids...

One Word : CONTROL

There is nothing worse than not knowing. Uncertainty can niggle away at your brain, and the not knowing is often blown out of proportion… BELIEVE ME- I AM THE QUEEN OF “WHAT IFs” !!!!! Sometimes the unknown is essential, sometimes it’s disastrous…but it’s almost...

Happy Independence Day!

Did you know this is a 3 day celebration Stateside ? Even though we are in a different part of the world, it’s a great time to remember the message of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Freedom…freedom of choice. We often forget we have this amazing...