Today I’m celebrating our first year in Tower Hall – the all singing, all dancing Million Dollar Fitness HQ
I just LOVE this place – if you’ve never been make sure you can pop into our fundraising coffee morning next Saturday and you’ll see exactly what I mean
Would you believe , that loads of people told me I was chasing a dream and that my ideas would never materialise or amount to much?
Let me tell you a story ……
Once upon a time there were two shoe salesmen.
They were both sent to the same distant third world country by their companies.
The first salesman gets off the plane and has a look around.
Disappointed & disheartened by what he sees…. He gets straight on the phone to head office.
“Bad news I’m afraid… You may book me on the first plane back.
Nobody here wears shoes!”
The second salesman gets off the plane and has a look around.
Excited by what he sees, he gets on the phone to head office.
“Great news,
In fact, it’s soooooo GREAT, it’s OFF THE CHARTS!
I hope you’ve got plenty of product to ship.
Nobody here has shoes.”
Your Thoughts Are Everything
That’s just one example of two people having exactly the same experience,
but with a totally different approach to their thinking.
And that’s going to be key to your success.
If you keep thinking that you CAN’T.
You WON’T.
You’ve probably noticed that, right?
Imagine that:
Telling yourself day after day, month after month, year after year that you are X Y Z
What do you think is gonna happen after a while?
You’re going to believe it.
When you join the Million Dollar family, I’m your biggest cheerleader – I’ve always got your back
My RAK – day 74! is to find out who’s stuck for a lift to our Jamie’s Journie Errigal Climb on Sunday and try to organise car sharing.
if you’re going and you have room for more bums in your car will you hit reply and let me know?
I really appreciate it
Dee x
PS – I think you’re really gonna like day 100 🙂
#teammilliondollar #randomkindness