Maria was desperate to get back to herself – and feeling great in fitted clothes – following a hysterectomy in June 2013.
This is her story.

“I had trained in gyms, trained with personal trainers, followed fad diets and tried just about everything I could, but nothing had worked.
I spent hours trawling the internet for ways to get back to myself, then I found Dee and Million Dollar Fitness.”

“I wanted to lose weight but – most importantly – I wanted to keep it off. Soon after meeting Dee I knew this was going to happen.
After talking with Dee, we arranged a start date for the beginning of September.”
Maria began her fitness journey with me on my 6 Week Programme.

“Dee devised a tailor-made nutrition plan for me and advised me on which and how many classes I should take if I wanted to get the best out of it. Dee was so hands-on with everything! Nothing was too much trouble for her EVER! Dee was always on the other side of a text or phone call 24/7 no matter what! If ever I found my focus leaving – whether it was the exercising, eating or the mental side of things (which happened often) – Dee was there.”

“I will not lie and say this was easy. The pain my whole body felt that first week is engrained in my memory for life, but the results even after a month where phenomenal. I had lost weight, toned up and my body fat had completely dropped. I was ecstatic because I had found something that was actually working!”

“For the first time in a long time I felt great in my body. I was able to rock fitted dresses that for most of my adult life I didn’t have the confidence to wear. Looking good on the outside was good but the feeling inside was amazing and this was all down to the fact that I was choosing to eat better with the occasional treat.”
Interested in working with me?
“I now find that I can discipline myself and can find a balance in my everyday life which starts like so:
I get up around 5.30am and make my way to Million Dollar Fitness where most mornings I do the 2 early sessions as this best fits in with my lifestyle. When I go home then it’s breakfast time which is usually eggs or porridge made with unsweetened almond milk then it’s off to work! I enjoy 3 meals per day containing protein, vegetable and a good carbohydrate. Yes! I know, you can eat carbohydrates and still lose weight! Something I learnt from Dee! I also have 2 snacks if I need them and as I said I can still have occasional treats.”

“I never imagined that food could be as tasty, nutritional and easy to prepare. One of my favourite recipes from Dee’s Million Dollar Cookbooks is Coconut Chicken, it is simply delicious!”

“Through all these events and training I have found friends who support me and, in return, I them!”

“Through all of this I have achieved more than I ever felt possible thanks to Dee. To date I have ran a half marathon, taken part in Tough Mudder and Hard As Oak – which are both obstacle races – and hopefully I will be participating in Hell and Back later this year.
Another wee thing I conquered were the monkey bars. You want to see me swing them now!”

So here I am today feeling and looking the best I have in 20 years. Dee has been an emotional, inspirational and motivational stability for me for the last 3 years. There have and will be struggles, but I know Dee has my back. I cannot thank her enough for everything she has done and no doubt will continue to do!
If you want to transform your life and be the person you have always wanted to be, Dee McCahill is the woman you need to call.
Maria Xx

I specialise in nurturing and helping women with 2 or more stone to lose reclaim their lives, feel comfortable in their own skin and finally begin to live again.
Dee xx