As a mum of 5, working 12-hour shifts in a busy A&E, Lynn struggled with putting everyone else first.
Exhausting night duties were fuelled by Diet Coke, Red Bull, Mars bars, sweets and very little of any nutritious value – anything to get the blood sugars up and get through the night.
Her main battle was work, where the mix of days and nights resulted in bad food choices… and becoming overweight.

“My weight was out of control and my family life was also affected. When I wasn’t working I was tired and sluggish with very little energy to do the things I should have been doing on my days off. I was cranky and snappy all the time and I think my kids started to look forward to me leaving the house for work!! I felt down and depressed about the way I was.”

“I saw a picture of myself at the staff Christmas party that honestly made me cry!!
I have a good friend at work who uses exercise and strength training to cope with things and she also inspired me to take action.“
“I had seen Million Dollar Fitness on Facebook and looked into Dee’s website. The more I read the more I knew I wanted to be part of it. I read stories of the people she had helped and just had a gut feeling that this was something that would work for me.
The biggest change in my life since joining MDF has to be my energy. Never in a million years did I think I would or even want to get up at 5.30 in the morning and train before doing a 12-hour shift!! I have way more energy at work when I do and sleep like a baby at night. I cope with every day stresses much better – instead of opening the fridge when I feel stressed I open the car door and head to class. I always feel like I can achieve anything when I leave MDF.”
Lynn began her fitness journey with me on my 4 Week Programme.

“Before I joined MDF, my biggest challenges were working shifts and juggling family life. I felt that I had no time left to focus on looking after myself once I had sorted everyone else.
My goals were to lose weight and gain fitness. I set myself a target of getting from a clothes size 18 to a 14.”

“If I’m on day shift I get up at 5.30, drink a large glass of water and head to 6.15 class. I shower at MDF, head to work and eat breakfast on my morning break.
I get home from work around 9pm. I’ve already had my evening meal at work so I normally shower, catch up with the kids and head to bed for 10-ish.”

“My best achievement at MDF has to be my training for Hard As Oak. I’ve achieved things I never thought possible and was so proud of myself every time I left a training session. classes.
My best personal achievement was ditching all my size 18 clothes in the charity bin and buying some nice new size 14’s.”
“I had seen Million Dollar Fitness on Facebook and looked into Dee’s website. The more I read the more I knew I wanted to be part of it. I read stories of the people she had helped and just had a gut feeling that this was something that would work for me.
The biggest change in my life since joining MDF has to be my energy. Never in a million years did I think I would or even want to get up at 5.30 in the morning and train before doing a 12-hour shift!! I have way more energy at work when I do and sleep like a baby at night. I cope with every day stresses much better – instead of opening the fridge when I feel stressed I open the car door and head to class. I always feel like I can achieve anything when I leave MDF.”
Lynn began her fitness journey with me on my 4 Week Programme.

“I normally start the day with porridge and berries, either with honey or cinnamon and a coffee. I have fruit as a snack. For lunch I have salmon, tuna or chicken with mixed salad and a portion of either brown rice or pasta (much less of this than I used to eat). Again some fruit as a snack and for evening meal I have steamed vegetables and a portion of lean meat or fish*.”

“I drink a lot of water throughout day and try my best to limit tea and coffee.
On the weekends when I can have my ‘good’ fats, I add things like raw nuts, avocado, hummus, peanut butter and olive oil to my meals.”

“My family and friends have all been very supportive. They constantly tell me how well I am doing and how proud they are of me. My son told me when I joined in January that I was a ‘January gym goer’ and I would quit by February!! How wrong you were!!!
I’m a very social person and enjoy nights out with my friends. I also have 5 children age range 13-20 who all play gaelic football. Much of my time is spent on the sidelines cheering them on.”

“Million Dollar Fitness has helped me to feel great about myself in clothes and not hide when I see a camera on a night out. It has allowed me to book myself on the Hard As Oak course and have the confidence and belief that I can actually do it!!”

I specialise in nurturing and helping women with 2 or more stone to lose reclaim their lives, feel comfortable in their own skin and finally begin to live again.
Dee xx