If you’re like me you’ve been making the most of this glorious weather and having fun days with friends, family and LOTS of eating out.
Safe to say, we’ve had more ice cream than normal – Banana Splits and Knickerbocker Glories mmmmmmmm 😉
After a treat like that, I always end up retaining a whole lot of water that isn’t going anywhere.
When this happens and I need a little bit of help I make a juice – something with celery and cucumber in it.
Yesterday I made theeeee best power-packed de-bloating juice imaginable.
I thought you might like to know this secret recipe too (especially because bikini season is right around the corner).
It’s easy and tastes yummy.
I’ve been incorporating this into my juicing routine and having it pre-breakfast instead of my usual Morning Mojo. It’s low cal and low sugar so it’s a great addition to your diet if you have an issue with water retention, or just need some extra help releasing after some over-indulging like me.
15 stalks of celery (about two bunches)
1 juicy green lime, peel on
225 ml of coconut water
Cut the lime in half. Juice the celery stalks and the lime together. Pour the coconut water in with the juice and mix. Serve immediately or store for up to 24 hours.
Let me know what you think of it !
Work with me >>>