I’m loving the daily emails letting me know what your RAK of the day has been
My Random Act Of Kindness #4 …….
Today I’m gonna make a point of sending a card to someone I haven’t seen for a very long time.
Writing this I know exactly who – my auntie Brenda or Aunty Bee as we call her
It’s easy for us to get caught up with new things in our lives – making new friends, starting new jobs, moving to new places. It’s easy to forget about old friends or relatives we haven’t seen in months or years in my case.
I haven’t seen her since me and my mum took a road trip to Uttoxeter to see her in 2009!
That makes me feel pretty lousy when I think about it
Now she does follow my FB feed – but that’s not the same is it?
Don’t let that happen , just because you haven’t contacted someone in a while doesn’t mean you can’t do it right now.
Don’t wait for an excuse like a birthday or event to say hi – Do It Right Now.
Send them a card or a note and ask them how things are with them
A handwritten card or letter sent through the post can be a really nice touch to let someone know you haven’t forgotten about them
#teammilliondollar #randomkindness
p.s you’re gonna love day 100 if you stick around that long …
p.p.s – don’t forget to fill me in on your RAK
#loseweight #2stone