Yesterday I got an email from a desperate woman asking for help because gained back the SAME 40 lbs she lost last year. I don't know her, but this is a common story.... Has weight loss and gain ever happened to you? Why is it that 99% of people who lose a large amount of weight, gain it back again? What’s so hard about sustaining weight loss long-term? The answer lies in the brain. [ ] When you lose weight, you can do it by overpowering your brain and willing your way into a smaller size. But if you do that, you’ll gain the weight back, eventually. Or, you can re-wire your brain to support your weight loss efforts, so that over time, it gets easier, not harder, to keep your weight off. When you understand the brain and how it works, losing weight suddenly gets easy. And, more importantly, it stays easy That's exactly what we're doing on my Empowerment Project so keep an eye out for when my next project launches RAK #56 I'm sending out thinking of you cards today to some of my girls at Million Dollar Fitness who I know could use a little pick me up ... sometimes the simplest things can be the most treasured. Think of all the times you've wished you had somebody there for you - step it up and be there for someone else Dee x #teammilliondollar #randomkindness Follow us on Facebook and Twitter