“Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.”

I love this quote by the brilliant Jim Rohn.

It’s so true I think 🙂

Did you have a great weekend with a ton of Halloween treats?

I hope you had a fantastic time with your friends and family BUT

I bet today you are…

Getting BACK ON IT.


Being able to respect and appreciate yourself is just as important as your diet and exercise programme.


Yet so many people miss that bit out.

Working on YOU.

Working on your THOUGHTS and Feelings.

Working on your mental patterns and rewiring your brain is the key.


If you have fallen of the wagon this weekend don’t PANIC.


Step 1: Clean House

Give it away to a neighbour, donate it to the homeless.

Step 2: Drink More Water

Try to get as close to 2 litres of water as you can.

Step 3: Get Your Butterfinger Ass to the Gym

If you can’t make it to Million Dollar today do this quick and easy routine – you’ll be sweating that chocolate out in no time.

  • 60 Body Weight Squats
  • 50 Mountain Climbers
  • 40 Alternating Lunges (each leg)
  • 30 Sit Ups
  • 20 Push Ups
  • 10 Burpees

Repeat 2 X, then send me a post workout selfie 🙂


I hope you had a great Halloween – I did!

Today’s RAK was to send Thank You cards to all of the businesses who kindly donated prizes and goodies for our Coffee Morning fundraiser, I’m confident we’ll hit the £4000 mark by the end of the week.


Dee x

PS … Join my 42 day Little Black Dress Challenge <<<< here >>>>