Did you hear the story about the old dog sat on the porch ?

Everyday the dog’s owner would come home from work and greet his dog sat on the porch. Everyday the dog would sit in the same place & everyday the owner would make a fuss with his dog as the dog sat in the same place on the porch

One day the owner came home to find his dog whining and crying and couldn’t

understand why, the dog was healthy yet every now and then the dog would whine
…This went on for a few weeks as the dog sat in the exact same place each day on the front porch…

The dog owner thought, we need to call for a vet…

The vet came and examined the dog and couldn’t find ANYTHING wrong with him at all…
[Like I said, the dog is healthy and fit] however what the vet did find was, the dog had been sitting on a ‘dodgy broken panel with a nail sticking out of the panel’ and the dog had been sat on the nail and the nail had been pricking into the dog which made him whine & cry.

The problem was, the dog was just too comfortable being uncomfortable and didn’t know how to make a shift to release the pain of discomfort…

Is your pain of discomfort too comfortable?

Dee x


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