Breaking Point – S

CLIENTQUOTE WHAT WAS YOUR BREAKING POINT? WHAT GOT YOU STARTED ON YOUR JOURNEY? “As somebody who has convinced herself crunchy nut cornflakes are a good breakfast option, I don’t feel in any way entitled to answer this however, I know I am a disgrace and I...

Breaking Point – J

CLIENTQUOTE WHAT WAS YOUR BREAKING POINT? WHAT GOT YOU STARTED ON YOUR JOURNEY? “When I realised that not only was eating myself into oblivion starting to affect the simplest tasks in life, like at times having to call on the assistance of my nine year old to...

Breaking Point – T

CLIENTQUOTE WHAT WAS YOUR BREAKING POINT? WHAT GOT YOU STARTED ON YOUR JOURNEY? “Not being able to get good life insurance when we bought our house and I wasn’t eligible at all for for critical life. That happened in May and by August I discovered MD!!...

Breaking Point – L

CLIENTQUOTE WHAT WAS YOUR BREAKING POINT? WHAT GOT YOU STARTED ON YOUR JOURNEY? “Not coping with the pressures of ever-changing shift patterns and gruelling 12 hour A&E shifts!! Also a big wake-up photograph of myself that literally made me...